Post Sale Offers

Lot 242

Dorothy Burroughes; The Odd Little Girl, Methuen & Co 1932 and Jack Rabbit Detective, Methuen & Co 1...

Dorothy Burroughes; The Odd Little Girl, Methuen & Co 1932 and Jack Rabbit Detective, Methuen & Co 1931, both signed by author

Offer GuideOffers placed within this guide will be accepted subject to being higher than other offers, any reserves, and availability.
Offers submitted below this guide may be subject to approval from the vendor and may take longer to be processed.
£80 - £100


Lot 5318

Collection of art and antiques reference book oks, including Sporting Artists 1650-1990, Dictionary ...

Collection of art and antiques reference book oks, including Sporting Artists 1650-1990, Dictionary of Scottish Painters, Yorkshire Artists Short Dictionary and a number of Millers titles

Offer GuideOffers placed within this guide will be accepted subject to being higher than other offers, any reserves, and availability.
Offers submitted below this guide may be subject to approval from the vendor and may take longer to be processed.
£15 - £40