Musical Instruments

Sell Musical Instruments at Auction
Our Musical Instruments department is renowned for our team’s comprehensive expertise across a vast array of musical instruments, from vintage stringed treasures and sophisticated brass to delicate woodwinds, vibrant percussion and everything in between. Each item is appraised with meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of its historical and musical significance, ensuring accurate valuations and expert handling. 

In addition to our specialisation in a variety of instruments, we are also adept at the valuation and auctioning of accessories and audio equipment. Whether it's a rare bow for a violin, custom mouthpieces for brass instruments, or high-end audio equipment for studio recordings, our team possesses the knowledge and experience to evaluate and present these items effectively. 

We are skilled in managing and auctioning large and delicate items, such as grand pianos, with minimum hassle. Our comprehensive in-house logistics solutions guarantee safe transportation, storage, and presentation, relieving consignors of the burdens typically associated with moving such significant pieces. 

Choosing to consign with us brings a multitude of benefits. Our extensive network ensures your musical instruments, accessories, and audio equipment are exposed to a wide audience of collectors and enthusiasts, maximising sale potential. We pride ourselves on transparent and efficient consignment process, aiming to make your auction experience both rewarding and hassle-free. 

Our commitment to excellence guarantees your cherished items are in expert hands, ready to be appreciated by the next generation of musicians and collectors.

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